Eternal Awakening: Chapter Three

14 January 2024

Views: 744

A moment later the massive wooden gate blocking their path began to lift, creaking loudly. Together with Lythia he walked up the stone ramp and towards the light that beckoned him, his body shaking in fear and nervousness.

As they exited the tunnel Richard was paralyzed momentarily in awe by what he saw. The arena floor was as large as football field and oval in shape, the ground made from soft sand that made it a little hard to move around in. Erected all along the edges of the arena were massive stone pillars that reminded him of Roman architecture and he instantly saw their use; he could hide behind them and avoid magical attacks without worry. Right across the way from them was another massive wooden gate that was opened fully, a single female form walking out of it slowly and dressed identically to Lythia.

While he and his partner shrank away from the thunderous cheering from the packed stands, Agnes ate it up. There was a big smile plastered to her face and she held her head high, her hands out at her sides slightly like she was some kind of hero. Her hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail and every movement she made oozed confidence. And why shouldn't it? She was the third ranked student at the school and her enemies were the nearly last ranked Lythia and a completely useless Richard whose sword shook in his hand.

'Will all three combatants please bow to Queen Lystia and then to one another!' a loud voice rang through the cheering and Richard recognized it as Coni's, the student council president.

Following Lythia's lead he turned to the right and spotted a private viewing box where the Queen sat, high above the normal crowd of students, professors, and staff. He bowed deeply to her, keeping his eyes locked on at all times. A moment later they were turning back to the center of the arena and bowing once more. While both Lythia and he observed the bow completely, Agnes only nodded her head and continued to smile at them.

'You may begin at the sound of the bell!' Coni instructed and Richard got into the stance he had been shown by Alyssa the previous afternoon.

What felt like an eternity later a large bell was struck once and all hell broke loose. In the exact same moment he began to charge towards Agnes he was struck by a powerful gust of wind and thrown back five feet, landing heavily on his ass. A second later a beam of purple rocketed over his head and drove right towards the better fighter. For a moment he thought it was going to strike her, but Agnes simply flourished her wand and the beam of purple light was deflected harmlessly towards the ground ten feet away where it exploded in a shower of dust.

Once again Richard got to his feet and charged at her, bringing his sword above his head in a more defensive posture, and once again gale force winds struck him in the chest and hurled him into the air before he could make it even ten feet. He had just enough time to get up and turn back to his enemy to see a streak of yellow lightening arching towards him. He quickly dove out of the way and was narrowly missed as it hit the ground a few inches from where he was.

'You're useless!' Lythia roared as she hid behind a pillar just before a storm of dust picked up by the wind Agnes was controlling slammed into it. 'Just go hide somewhere!'

Richard growled at the insult, his testosterone getting the better of him as adrenaline coursed unimpeded through his blood. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and taste sand in his mouth from when he had been tossed back. Above all of that he could feel anger scratching at his heart and mind, an anger he had never given into before. Now was as good a time as any he figured and once again rushed at Agnes who stood across the arena laughing at them.

He saw her raise her wand once more and her lips began to move as she began to chant an incantation to a spell. In a moment of pure instinct he stopped all his forward momentum a second before a bolt of lightning shot out from the tip of her wand and struck right where he should have been. It had been so close and so powerful he could smell the ozone in the air and every hair on his arms stood straight up. Seizing the chance he had given himself he ran forward again and quickly closed the distance between them, his sword raised high and ready to strike.

He should have taken a moment to take in what she was doing as in the last moment, two feet away from her, she pointed her wand directly at him and he was hit full on by a powerful spell that tossed him high into the air a moment before a bolt of crackling lightening struck him directly in the chest. The pain coursing through his body and mind as he landed was enough to cause his eyes to roll into the back of his head and he shook for a few seconds, writhing in the dirt he lay on.

His vision was blurry and his hearing distorted as the blood rushed through his ears and silenced all the cheers and jeers that had erupted from the crowd. He knew he could just lie there on the ground for the rest of the match and be left alone. He would be safe that way. He wouldn't have to feel that pain ever again. But was that really what he wanted to do? He had spent all of yesterday slicing at a tree with a wooden sword because he had been asked to. Because he had been asked to protect Lythia with everything he had, and he hadn't given his all yet.

He knew he couldn't take her head on again though, so he crawled to his feet and made a break for the pillar Lythia was currently taking shelter behind, massive bolts of lightning striking it repeatedly as Agnes attacked continuously. He narrowly made it behind the massive structure before a gust of savage wind blew past and slammed into the side of the arena wall, kicking up enough sand to obscure their vision.

'I thought I told you not to embarrass me!' Lythia howled and he felt like hitting her in that moment. 'Look at yourself! You're bleeding!'

Richard wiped his hand over his mouth and looked at it, seeing a smear of blood on the back. Now he could even taste it in his mouth and he grew confused; he thought this was supposed to be safe, that there wasn't any physical damage. Looking down at his chest where the lightning bolt had hit him he noticed that there was a large burn mark there that still smoldered a little. He knew for sure that wasn't supposed to happen.

'Stay here while I go finish her off!'

Lythia moved to step out from behind the pillar but he quickly grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her back. 'Don't!'

'Don't touch me you rat! You have to do everything I tell you to do!'

'Listen to me for a second! It's dangerous to go out in the open! I don't think the spell protecting us is working! Look, that lightning actually hit me!' he said and pointed to the big burn on his leather chest protector.

'Don't be ridiculous! It's impossible for anyone to actually get hurt in the arena! Now let me go!'

Lythia ripped her arm out of his grip and once again tried to move out into the open. This time Richard dragged her back in roughly and pushed her up against the pillar. When she opened her mouth to yell at him once more he lost his cool and smacked her flush on the cheek, the sound reverberating through his mind. It worked though. she stood there stunned as a red hand print appeared on her pale skin and a few tears stung at her eyes.

'If you go out there you will get hurt!' he roared loudly and hoped she finally listened to him.

He never got a chance to find out though. A second later a wall of wind ripped through them and tossed them both flying into the dirt ten feet away, sand in their eyes. Agnes had gotten bored of just shooting lightning at a pillar and had moved into a better position, one where she could strike at them. From where she was now there would be no where he or Lythia could hide and he didn't know how many more times he could be struck before he passed out or died. If he could get closer to Agnes and tell her that the spell protecting them had failed then maybe they could stop this before anyone got seriously hurt, but he doubted she would even listen. She had a hungry glint in her eyes and it frightened him a bit.

'Rus zy no kil rom tel doh!' he heard Lythia cry out and a moment later a glowing purple ball flew through the air towards Agnes. It looked like a pretty powerful spell as the dirt on the ground was being tossed into the air as it sped over, but against the third strongest student at the school it was nothing and Agnes easily deflected it. Richard was actually a little glad about that, as if it had hit her it might have one some serious damage.

Agnes pointed her slender wand at them once more and her lips began to move over strange words, a spell building in her body and Richard knew she was planning to end the duel here and now. In a fit of pure stupidity he jumped to his feet and moved in front of Lythia who was completely defenseless, holding out both hands in front of him with the palms facing Agnes as he hoped to absorb the entire attack himself.

He yelled out for her to stop but his words were lost in the crowds overwhelming cheering and he knew that in the next second he would probably be seriously injured or killed. With Lythia at his back though he knew he had to do this. Aura had asked that he protect the youngest sister and that's what he intended to do. He doubted she had had this in mind when she asked him but it didn't change the fact. Lythia was in this mess because of him, because he had spilled tea on Agnes, and he refused to let her pay the price for it. He only hoped that after this next attack took him out they would have enough common sense to stop the fight.

Everything happened at once as the world seemed to break around him. A massive bolt of lightning streaked across the distance, long tendrils of electricity breaking off from the main body and spiraling through the air. As his brain seemed to slow down the flow of time around him he closed his eyes and held his arms out straighter, expecting at any moment to feel the impact of a devastating attack. Only it didn't happen. Not in the way he expected anyways. He could feel the bolt strike but it was five feet away from him, and there was no pain. Only the sound of electricity crackling through the air and the pressure on his arms as if someone were trying to push him backwards. Even the crowd stopped their shouting and the arena fell into stunned silence.

Opening his eyes Richard was stunned to see that the bolt of lightning had actually stopped five feet away from him, striking a field of pure white light that had been erected between him and Agnes. At first he thought one of the teachers had noticed something was wrong with the duel and jumped in to stop it, but then he realized he could feel something flowing through his body. It was warm, powerful, and deeply rooted within his blood almost as if it was a part of him. With a familiar feeling he looked over at the golden bracer on his left wrist and saw that it was glowing with a brilliant golden radiance and the insignia etched into the surface was bright white. It was almost the same thing that had happened when he had accidentally put it on back in his apartment, only this time he felt he could actually control the magic coursing through him.

Another bolt of lightning hit the barrier he had created but it did nothing against the power. A powerful gust of wind quickly followed it and Richard found that behind the barrier of light he and Lythia were protected against it as well. The wind howled around them but the small bubble right behind the barrier was completely safe.

Noticing that her attacks weren't working Agnes stopped casting and the murmur of the crowd quickly filled the void left behind from the howling winds. Richard held his hands to his face and balled them into fists, holding onto the power that still ran through his body. It felt so amazing that it actually made him a little dizzy and giddy.

'How did you do that?' Agnes demanded loudly across the twenty feet between them. Her wand was still pointed at him and he knew he wasn't out of danger yet. She may have stopped attacking for a few moments but it didn't mean she was done. 'I asked you how you did that?!'

Richard took a deep breath and smiled at her, 'It doesn't matter. Your magic isn't strong enough so stop this now! You can't win!' he yelled loudly. It was more of a bluff than anything else though and he only hoped it worked. What he felt inside him was indeed powerful but he had no idea where it came from or if it would work again. He just hoped he had put on enough of a display to dissuade Agnes from continuing.

'Are you crazy?' she barked and he instantly realized this his ploy had failed. 'I haven't even begun to show you how strong I really am!'

She waved her wand in an intricate pattern and the dirt in front of her began to swirl around and around. As she continued to twirl her wand the vortex of sand and dust grew larger until it stood at least twenty feet tall. Even at this distance he could feel the wind pound against his body and he had to firmly plant his feet so he didn't stumble backwards. Agnes once again pointed her wand directly at his chest and the small tornado began to lumber towards him, tossing dirt high into the air.

'Get behind the pillar!' he yelled at Lythia but didn't have time to check up on her. He held his hands out in front of him again and willed the shield into existence, hoping with everything he had that it worked.

A second later light began to gather at the edges of his hand and solidified into a large curved wall, stopping the wind from touching him and protecting him from the sand that was being hurled around the arena. He quickly realized that wasn't enough though, as the shield only stopped things coming at him from the front but not the sides. Using the powerful gusting winds of the tornado she had created, Agnes cast a bolt of lightning into it and it actually curved just enough to breeze right past the edge of his shield and catch him on the leg. It was only a glancing hit though and the damage was minimal, but that didn't stop it from hurting like a bitch.

Richard had to end this now. He had just provoked Agnes into fighting harder and it was apparent that she was really strong. The attacks she had used on them before were child's play compared to what she was using now and it was safe to say that she had just been toying with them. But now her pride as one of the strongest was put on the line and she wasn't going to just give up. She would come at him with everything she had and she wouldn't stop until he couldn't move.

He began to concentrate as hard as he could, letting the feeling of power flow through his body unimpeded. He could feel it build up within him, heating him up from the inside and making his brain feel a little fuzzy. It was a heady feeling and he knew what he was capable of if he just tried. He had just imagined the wall forming from his hands and it had happened, so if he could imagine some kind of attack he could effectively fight back. But Agnes wasn't going to give him a chance though and she made that clear when another bolt of lightning curved around his shield and hit him in the same leg once more.

This one had hit a little harder and Richard suddenly found himself falling to one knee, his right hand gripping at where he had been struck as the pain radiated through his entire body. With his concentration broken his wall of light stuttered and then vanished without a trace, leaving him completely vulnerable to a brutal attack. An attack that Agnes had already been preparing.

He could hear the strange words being thrown at him from the wind and he knew by how long she spent saying the incantation that this spell would be unlike anything he had ever seen before. He willed his body to move but the pain was overriding that and all he wanted to do was run, something he couldn't do because his leg refused to support any of his weight. He was helpless as he watched Agnes point her wands directly up into the darkening sky and finish her incantation.

Richard could hear the attack before he saw it. There was a massive clap of thunder that shook the entire arena and a second later a missile made from pure lightning shot down from the heavens, lighting up an area twenty miles wide. His mind went blank when he saw it and he couldn't think of a single thing that would save his life. He was doomed.

That was a concept his body wasn't willing to accept though.

His left hand raised above his head in the last moment and he felt the power flow from his body in the exact moment the bolt of energy slammed into him. He was covered in a shower of light that blinded him and the pain running through his arm and into his body was so immense he was about to pass out. His body still refused to give up though and in the next moment he found himself jumping to his feet and running full out to where Agnes had been standing a moment before he had been blinded. The hand that had absorbed the whole lightning attack was suddenly out in front of him and more power began to leak out, forming a compact and powerful ball of light that shined with the same intensity as the lightning had. It hovered a half inch from his flesh and radiated such extreme heat that it should have burned him clean to the bone. But it didn't.

A split second later he erupted from the shower of light caused by Agnes' attack and his body automatically pushed out a wall of light. This time it wasn't used for protection, but to slam into Agnes and push her back until she crashed into the stadium wall. Before she could so much as scream he was upon her, the ball of pure light in his hand a foot away from her face as she closed her eyes against the pain and brightness. His body could have very well pushed the ball into her face and killed her, but it stopped at the last minute and he regained a shaky control.

'I... it's over,' he breathed and could feel the pain coming back to him as it once more threatened to fell him where he stood. 'You can't w... win...'

To make his point clear he lifted the hand with the ball of light to the sky and pushed it out from his body. It sped high and when he was sure it was clear from the stadium he clenched his fist and it exploded brutally, turning the night sky light like the sun had just risen. All Agnes could do was watch in fear at the awesome display and he figured that it was over now. He released the wall of light pinning her to the wall and she fell to her knees, a small dribble of blood dripping from her bruised lips.

Richard turned and began to slowly walk away, a noticeable limp haunting him as his leg threatened to give out with each step. The crowd still remained silent and as he continued to walk away he could hear Agnes pull herself up from the ground and those strange words hiss from her mouth. He instantly spun around, his left arm with the bracer held towards her as he intended to knock her out but found that he was beaten to the punch. A blast of purple light came from behind him and slammed into the girl full on, pushing her backwards until her head smashed into the wall and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she fell unconscious.

Turning around he found Lythia standing there, a look of shock on her face and her wand pointed at the knocked out girl. Her hair was a mess and the spot Richard had slapped her was bright red and angry looking. Still, he had never been more grateful to see her. He wanted to thank her for saving him there but he suddenly found himself falling forward as his brain had had enough of this abuse and was shutting him down. The last thing he felt was the pain of his nose smashing into the dirt as he collapsed in the middle of the arena.

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